
Movie friday / I'm Not There

星期五,正好適合看電影脫離現實世界,今日去戲院看白雪公主,故事雖然一般,但奪目的服裝(只限女王) 及出色的CG相信為電影加了不少分

今日和大家分享是早兩天看的我不在那兒'I’m not there',
六位演員以不同的身份飾演不同角度的Bob Dylan,
我不是一個百分百Bob迷,但他一頭電曲髮,抽煙及戴黑超的造型已成經典, 音樂上的成就更是不用多提. 
如果對他的音樂不太熟悉的話,看這套戲可能較難代入,但看到Christian Bale和Cate Blanchett的演技便絕對值回票價,很難想像Cate與Bob 相似,但Cate戲裡就像Bob番生一樣.
Music can change your mind, your life, your faith and your fate.

Friday friday, spent my friend to watch Snow White and the huntsman. The customs in the movie are really really beautiful and gorgeous. But I dont want to talk so much about this 'Mid-century' movie.

Today, I want to share a movie watched two days ago.'I'm Not There', talk about Bob Dylan or I should say a biography of Dylan. Using six different actors to act Dylan, show different angle of Dylan.
Music can change your mind, your life, your faith and your fate.

Bob Dylan-Like a rolling stone