秋天的來臨,大家也要為衣櫃加添新衣物.今天在家瀏覽了monki和hnm的網站,看到這些合適的毛衣和飾物,毛衣絕對是今季的must have item,我早已買了好幾件了.基本的顏色當然是必備,但鮮艷的顏色更能為整體加分,我最想要螢光粉紅,青檸色及橙色.我看到金色及銀色的頸飾,就知道他們是我的新寶貝.
Today i visited Monki and HnM's website. I chose some of them for my autumn. All of us agree that sweater is a big trend in autumn and winter. I have already bought some sweaters, they are so eay to match with shorts. And the necklaces from HnM are relly perfect for winter.