一向喜歡黑.白.灰色的打扮,對彩色一向沒很大興趣,總是覺得很難配搭.但前星期一看見這條粉紅色橫間裙子,就忍不住買了 , 放進我的寶貝衣櫃 . 雖然HnM的衣服總是給人"速食"的感覺 , 但"速食"的好處是可以用便宜的價格,便可買到當季流行的衣物, 尤其是這個夏天流行"五顏六色", 用少少錢便可為自己及衣櫃來點新沖擊,何樂而不為.
Wearing my new dress from HM , vintage backpack and look-like Acne shoes. Had a nice dinner with my friend ,bought a new hat , listen new music from my favourite singer and have a nice job with my fds. I think my life is so good.